White Dwarfs Accreting Debris
Image may be cropped. Click to view. White Dwarfs Accreting Debris
Astronomers from the University of Warwick, UK, have observed a pair of old white dwarf stars, both of which have had their atmospheres polluted by infalling planetary material. The two stars do not orbit each others and are not related. One is a cool red colour while the other is a more typical blue (white dwarfs are not necessarily white!). This illustration shows the stars from the vantage point of some infalling asteroidal materi

Title: White Dwarfs Accreting Debris


Date: Jul 2022

Client: Warwick University

Medium: Blender, Photoshop

Keywords: accretion Adobe Photoshop asteroids astrophysics atmosphere Blender 3D pollution press release spectroscopy stars Warwick University white dwarf